The Eurovision Drinking Game

Good morning!

It's that time of year again! Whether you watch it because you enjoy it or because it's funny laughing at each country's contribution, a lot of us will be tuning into The Eurovision Song Contest tonight. Some of you will even have heard of the third reason to watch: The Eurovision Drinking Game. But if you haven't, read on because your night just got more fun!

I was first introduced to the game 2 years ago, which was also the first time I'd even watched Eurovision. I enjoyed it so much that last year I arranged my own Eurovision Drinking Party with a Spanish theme, fancy dress and all. This year we'll still be playing along, but with moving and everyone being at uni for exams it's a much smaller occasion. Maybe next year we'll make it a big party when we have our own flat. :)

If you google the drinking game all kinds of rules come up - some funny, some bordering on ridiculous. So I've composed a much smaller list of the rules that tend to come up most and are fun to look out for. Feel free to have a google or add in some of your own if you think you can handle more than these!

The Rules

First of all you need to choose which country you are going to be. To keep things fair you need to choose a number between 1 and 20 before any of the acts start. That will then be your country for the evening. :)

Unless stated otherwise you must take one sip of your drink each time one of these events occurs. And I mean a proper gulp of your drink, not a pathetic excuse for a sip. You're not here because you wanted to stay sober tonight. ;)

- If the hosts kiss passionately, drain your glass!

Singers/Back-up Singers
- Make a peace sign
- Have a moustache (drain your glass if it's a woman!)
- Rapping

- Anyone does an air guitar solo
- Playing an 'ethnic' instrument
- 'Ethnic' dancing
- If there's a contortionist on stage, drain your glass!

General Rules
- Anyone has a costume change (if for example wings pop up from behind someone, that counts as a costume change just as much as if they rip off one outfit to reveal another. Sounds far-fetched, but it's happened!)
- Any key change
- Use of props (be as creative as you like here - you'll need to decide as a group whether it counts or not)
- Use of fireworks (there are lots!)
- UK gets no points (drain your glass if they have none by the end!)
- If your country supporters/flag are on the screen
- Whenever your country gets a point (drain your glass if your country wins!)

And there you have the drinking game rules! If you do decide to play along this evening please let me know how you get on. :)


Anonymous said...

So gutted I missed this last month. Next year, I promise! Sounds like a fun game.

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