Hello wonderful readers!
Are you loving this weather as much as I am? I can't wait for the weekend to begin so we can get out and enjoy the sunshine!
As moving into our new flat draws closer I've started to think about ways we could save water once we're there. We'll be on a water meter, which means the more water we save the more money we save! But I'm having trouble getting past the obvious ones:
- Turning the tap off while brushing teeth/washing hands, which I do already
- Taking quick showers
- I'm going to get a water butt on the little balcony to water plants or wash the car with
- Put a bottle of water in the top of the toilet so it uses less water to flush
Beyond that I'm not really sure what we can do, but there must be more ways I'm not thinking of! Does anyone else have any ideas that I could use?
I love this picture that was posted by Start UK on facebook:
From what I hear they're really expensive, but it's definitely worth getting if you plan on being in your home long enough to benefit from the investment!
So answers on a postcard (in a comment) please! Do you have any tips on saving water?
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