Unique Uses For Tea

Tea is fab. It's universally known as the cure for any and all emotional upsets, brilliant in social situations and amazingly good for your health at the same time. Tea is Nature's Gift to us and nearly every culture on the planet acknowledges the benefits in some way or another. The only downside to tea (and it pains me to admit there is one...) is that it's a one-use only thing. Once you've made your tea the bag gets thrown in the bin. But not anymore! After a bit of research I've found that you can re-use tea bags, and we're not talking use the same bag for another cup (I won't stop you doing that though)! You can give your tea bag a second life before composting it by using one of the tricks below...

Soothe swollen and puffy eyes and reduce bags by putting used tea bags in cold water, then using them as a compress on your eyes. They will slowly reduce redness, swelling and the bags that develop under your eyes, as well as releasing loads of brilliant nutrients into your skin.

Flavour your meat at a barbeque by marinading it with your tea bags. It sounds odd but it's worth a try.

Cleaning your house, especially the floors, becomes a lot easier if you've got a cold batch of tea to help you out. It's especially good at removing grease and grime, although make sure to rinse it off after so it doesn't stain!

Stop your shoes smelling by placing an un-used tea bag in each shoe. This isn't really a re-use, but it's still better for the environment that any aerosol that claims to do the same. The tea leaves actually absorb the odour, much like it would water! This idea can be used pretty much anywhere that you want to smell more fresh.

Stop your feet smelling by soaking them in a tea bath for 20 minutes each day. Tea bags are astringent and will fight the odour-causing bacteria on your feet.

To cure sunburn or acne add a few used tea bags to your bath! Acne will be helped with a warm tea, but to cure sunburn make a cold batch of tea and just wash the affected areas with it unless you're feeling extra brave! It will take a few applications, but eventually you'll benefit from its' soothing effects.

Fertilize your plants by removing the bag and mixing the tea leaves into the soil. This is an organic solution and the leaves will also help retain moisture in the soil.

Get artistic and use the tea as a dye. You can paint with it or even dye fabrics. The beauty of being artistic is you get to be inventive with what you use them for!

Stop itching by applying a used tea bag to a rash or insect bite.

Stop bleeding gums by biting down on a used tea bag. The tannins in the tea will constrict the blood vessels and soothe the swelling, stopping them from bleeding. This can also be used to stop bleeding when you pull a tooth out.

Heal bruises faster by putting a used tea bag on them. The tannins once again constrict the tiny broken capillaries and stop them from bruising as badly.

Revive and add shine to your hair by rinsing it with a cup of tea. Be careful though, it will temporarily dye lighter hair so only use this one if you already have dark hair.

Dye light hair darker by rinsing it with tea each time you shower. It'll add a subtle change in colour rather than the bold differences of hair dye.

Tone your face with a tea bag! It's astringent properties mean it will cut through the grease on your face and leave your skin clean. Wipe off with a clean towel after though - you don't want it to stain your skin!

Do you have any other uses for tea? Or are you going to try one of these? Let me know in a comment below. :)


Anonymous said...

Never thought about using tea to flavour a marinade, good idea. I've been composting but that's about it. Interesting list.

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