In my post about Green Living I made a resolution to pick up some new habits that are good for the environment. It's been about 6 weeks now, so I thought I'd look back at what they were and if I've been able to keep going with them!
1. Start some good water habits.
I can safely say I managed to keep this one going! I turn the tap off while washing my hands and brushing my teeth, plus sneak it off while Tom's brushing his teeth too! I'm a ninja. ;)
5. Banish stand-by.
I'm not 100% successful with this one, I will admit to leaving my night lights (some pretty butterfly fairy lights) on longer than necessary in the morning sometimes. But I've also started turning the microwave off when no one is looking, so it's swings and roundabouts here!
11. Make a meal plan to avoid waste.
At first I was pretty rubbish at this - through bad planning we ended up going away and not using up everything before we went. But I've slowly got much better at it and now we make a weekly meal plan before doing the Asda shop and it's working well!
16. Carry a reusable bag.
I will admit to being absolutely rubbish at this. Each time I remember to take them, it then takes me a week or so to remember to put them back in the car and another week to remember to take them into the shop! Slap on the wrist and a 'Must Try Harder' for me on this one.
27. Head for the local library.
I'm not sure whether to say I've succeeded or not on this one.. I haven't gone to the library yet but I have been borrowing books from friends which is pretty much the same concept. I'm running out of borrowed books, so maybe now is the time to get started on this one in earnest. :)
Those were all the ones I comitted to at first. Since I've managed to keep 1 and 11 going I'll pick up two more habits as a replacement. I think I'll go with...
3. Start refilling, not replacing.
I'm running out of certain herbs and I've just used up the last of my homemade strawberry jam, so time to get reusing those jars! It'll be interesting to see just how much of what we buy can be refilled instead.
8. Clear out old stuff.
Bit sneaky of me on this one as I've been doing it a lot already, but I'm still certain I have loads that I don't need so I'll be going through the cupboards to get rid of more. It's all been going to the charity shop so I'm reusing too! (At least someone else is..)
So there we go. I've not done too badly - I give myself 7/10 for effort! Did you pick up any of these habits? Are you going to now? If you want to check out the list of 30 to choose from follow this link.
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