Ohey friend!
In my last blog I casually dropped in that I've moved to Belfast as if it was no biggie, when really it was quite a spur-of-the-moment decision that happened very quickly. From making the decision to moving was actually under 6 weeks - only 3 of which were spent in Bristol preparing to move (and to be really dramatic, 2 of those weeks I was either too ill to move or in and out of hospital to boot) so you might imagine things were a little hectic!
Not one to skimp on the details, I thought you'd like to know the story of the run up to the move and moving day itself. Once again we're going to skip over the romance element, except to say that it has been chick-flick perfect in it's butterfly-inducing, weepy-eyed soppy-ness. Instead we're gonna jump straight to the the whys, the hows and the journey itself.
The Whys
Aside from wanting to move in with Chris there were a few other reasons that this move made sense to me. Like I mentioned before, I've never lived outside of Bath & Bristol, which seem quite big until you look at the much, much bigger picture. I'd call myself pretty adventurous, but I know that in reality I'm rather timid and my adventures are limited to my comfort zone (or a teeny bit outside it at best). Moving not only away from my family but away from the country I was born in altogether is by far the biggest and scariest thing I've done and that can only be a good thing for me.
It also comes at a stage in my life where things are very open. I was (and still am) only working 6 hours a week for Discover Your Bounce, along with a few other clients that still only add up to a small amount of my time. I was moving back in with the 'rents, so I had no ties to bills, contracts or major responsibilities - not something you experience often! So all in all I was full of possibility and the world was my oyster! My job has come with me - I do all of my tasks virtually so there was no issue on the income front. In time I may get something part time here too or expand my virtual hours, but I'm lucky that it's not essential. I'm planning lots of visits back to Bristol and everyone is excited about visiting here, so seeing my loved ones is not the issue I originally worried it might be either.
What I'd really like to do is focus more time on getting this blog running again and making money on here. I had a little success in the past with this so I've got somewhere to start. :)
The Hows
When it became clear that we were going to be spending a lot of money on flights (and delaying flights when we didn't want to part) the actual decision to move was a rather obvious one. I booked a slightly longer visit (and then extended it by another week while I was here) and we started the house hunting process.Housing is way cheaper here than in Bristol so we were looking for 2 bedroom houses close-ish to Chris' work. While a lot of them fit our requirements, very few lived up to expectation and a lot of estate agents expected us to have all of the paperwork ready to go the second we were ready to apply. This wasn't something we were prepared for and a lot of my stuff was still in Bristol - past experiences had said I would have time to supply all of it at a later date so I didn't think to bring it just for the viewing phase.
As fate would have it someone Chris knows is in the final stages of buying a rental property that ticks all of our boxes and then some, plus it's absolutely beautiful, so at the last minute we had somewhere to move when I returned with a car full of my belongings.
And I really do mean a car full of my belongings. We worked out that by putting the seats down the back of my car would fit 8 stackable boxes, 1 large suitcase and 2 cabin bags, plus anything we could squeeze into the gaps. So my task was to either sell, give away or throw out anything that would not fit into that space. It took a monumental effort, but with the help of my family I actually succeeded. There is now 1 box of my things at mum's to be brought at a later date, but everything else is gone or in Ireland and I consider that one of our biggest achievements to date! We didn't manage to get a good picture of the car loaded up but I promise you there was not a single gap left when we were done. Chris even had to save me at one point from falling debris - it was stacked right to the backs of our chairs! Here's a selfie I took from the Port before we got on the ferry:
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Happy, smiley people! |
You might be wondering why we would go to this much trouble when I could've just shipped my stuff over and hopped a one hour flight. You see, I haven't introduced you to the newest member of my family yet and she wasn't someone I would be willing to leave behind. It is with absolute delight that I introduce you to Riggle!
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Just look at that face! |
Riggle is a Syrian Hamster who has been with me for 10 months now and she is very aptly named. She's a little lightning bolt with the quirkiest of personalities and there was no way I was going to Belfast without her, which meant we would need to travel by car and ferry.
Not wanting to leave her unattended in the car for too long we opted to take a longer drive (7 hours) but shorter ferry (2 hours 15), meaning we had to drive to Cairnryan Port in Scotland. That is no mean feat I am telling you, especially when I was suffering from intermittent blurry vision due to medication and recovering from a week of medical experiments.. I mean tests.
The Journey
But on 31st July at 11am that's exactly what we set off to do with Riggle in a carry case on the passenger's lap. Not wanting to burden Chris with all the driving I took the first stint, while my eyesight was reliable and my energy at it's peak. I was hoping to last 2 hours, unsure I'd even make 1 but in the end I managed to rack up half of the drive myself - a whole 3.5 hours in the drivers seat! It doesn't sound like much, but I was really pleased with myself (and very tired).Chris took the second half of the drive and we made it to the port with half an hour to spare. Chris gets a special high five at this point because the playlist he set up for us (full of 90s classics and roadtrip must-haves) was only 2 songs short of being long enough for the entire journey and that's an achievement all of its' own!
The ferry ride was uneventful - we had some food, wandered the shops and settled in the lounge until it was time to head back to the car. Leaving Riggle in the car was tough for me - I worried she would get too hot or too thirsty and the trip would be too much for her, but she was a little star and was alert and waiting for us when we got back. I've got a whole blog coming up dedicated to travelling long distances with hamsters as there's more to consider than you think!
The port is only a 15 minute drive from Chris's mum's house (where we're staying while the sale on our new home completes) so it was a quick drive and then the reverse of our morning - unpacking all the boxes and building Riggle a cage so she could sleep for the night.
Tired, boiling hot and giggling like children at how everything had somehow worked out, we eventually landed in bed at 1am.
It's been a week since I arrived now and things are going as smoothly as I could've hoped. There have been challenges (sleeping with a hamster in your room is not something I recommend) and learning lessons (finding a GP is harder than it looks if you want them to have a specialist interest in your conditions - another post for another day) but also lots of laughter and not a moment of regret.
So there you have it! I hope you had as much fun reading the story of my move to Belfast as I had trying to keep it this short. My wordy blogs have not improved with time it seems, although I promise I have some shorter ones planned for you too!
Until next time my dear..
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