My Endo Exercise Plan

As I mentioned in a recent blog post, 2 weeks ago I went on a VIP Mastermind Day with Discover Your Bounce. One of my goals that came from the day was to get my body back to health - something I've been neglecting for quite some time now. But I had no idea how I was going to do that, until yesterday.

minions calendar, progress chart
I've come up with an #EndoFitPlan that I'm trialing for the next 3 weeks (ie the rest of April) to see if I can gain some momentum on exercising again. The premise is very simple - if I exercise for 5 minutes each day, I get a star on the calendar. The idea is that 5 minutes is a very easy goal to reach. I could just walk to the end of my road and back and that'll be a star for the day. But once I get out there I will inevitably end up doing more.

For example yesterday I decided to walk some stuff up to the charity shop & buy veg for dinner (35 minutes) and today once I reached the bridge in the park (my personal 'end point' goal) I kept on going to a quiet part of the river to chill for a bit (20 minutes). So in just two days my 10 minutes has turned into 55 minutes!

"What's the point of the stars?" you might be asking. They're my way of keeping track of what treats I'm owed at the end of each week/month - oh yes, there are treats! I know I should just exercise for the health benefits, but if that were enough motivation I would be doing it already wouldn't I? So here's my treat system for the next 3 weeks:

3 stars: A face mask
5 stars: A fruit smoothie
7 stars: A small chocolate bar (hey, I deserve it!)

6 stars (2 x a week): 1 hour of uninterrupted reading (I do this anyway, but I usually feel guilty!)
12 stars (4 x a week): A new song for my iPod
18 stars (6 x a week): Upgrade to a big chocolate bar (I'm walking 6 times a week, I really deserve it!)
21 stars (every day!): A new book or album

I've tried to keep the treats small but cumulative, so in theory at the end of each week I get a little 'me time' where I can put on a face mask and enjoy a little snack if I've reached my goals. The last week of the month will be rewarded with monthly instead of weekly treats (although who's to say I won't have a face mask and smoothie anyway!).

If this works I'll probably come up with a different treat system that's more reflective of my habits, or maybe a new one each month depending on what I fancy, but for a trial I think it's a pretty good one. :)

Does anyone else want to join me for this? We could get an online group together to motivate each other and offer support. :) I've chosen walking since I live across the road from a beautiful park with a stream running through, but you could do yoga at home, swimming, or even just jogging on the spot! We don't have to do the same thing. Let me know in the comments or message me on my Facebook Page if you're interested!


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