Hospitals, Hormones and The Traumatic Incident of the Dog in the Evening.

Monday marked exactly 1 month from the day I was discharged from hospital, which surprised me! It seems like no time at all! To celebrate, yesterday I went to the doctors for my second Zoladex implant and to the hospital for my post-op check up. Seems like an odd way to celebrate, but that's the medical profession for you. ;)

I'm happy to say that all went well. The implant wasn't half as scary as I was worried it would be! As for the hospital check up, everything was better than they'd expected, which can only be good! Both cysts have shrunk - the larger one is now half the size which is pretty impressive! So they're happy to go ahead with my next surgery in October, which is great news.

The only downside so far are the mood swings and hot flushes. I've not quite turned into a fire-breathing city-destroying monster, but irritability is never too far and more recently I've been feeling quite fragile and easily upset. Not to mention turning into a furnace at the drop of a hat!

This all came to a spectacular explosion after a particularly traumatic incident yesterday evening with the neighbours dog that left me a shaking mess in our hallway! (No dogs or Amis were hurt, just mentally scarred for life...)
So if I'm snappy, over-react or just seem plain grumpy, please forgive me. There is hormonal warfare currently taking place in my body and right now I'm not winning!


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