Wow, has it really been a month since our engagement party and my last post? So much has happened since then! Today I'm here to apologise for my absence and explain...
As I write I'm sitting in baggy clothing surrounded by boxes of medication, plenty of entertainment and moving carefully so I don't pull my now-healing incisions. It sounds dramatic, but really the drama has been the last 4 weeks!
On the Wednesday after our party while working at the local business park I became very unwell and rushed home to be sick. I thought I'd caught a stomach bug, but it lasted a lot longer than 24 hours. I visited my GP on the Friday as I was still being sick and hadn't kept food down in days. She told me to keep hydrated but little else. By Sunday I was going noticeably yellow - even the whites of my eyes(!) - so I headed to the out of hours GP.
I have to pause here and say I've got huge respect for the NHS 111 service, who were absolutely brilliant in helping me at every stage of this journey.
Following the GP visit was a trip to the hospital for blood tests which showed jaundice. We went back Monday for more tests and by bedtime I was admitted to the surgical ward! It turns out my gallbladder was full of stones and a very unhappy bunny indeed. A week after first being sick I was in surgery to have it removed, followed by gallstone removal from my blocked bile duct the next day.
It sounds like the story would end there, but shortly after being released I developed pretty severe tonsilitis. For 2 short days I was starting to eat again, only to be reduced to a liquid-only diet! Some antibiotics for that and another week later I was starting to recover again... only for one of my incisions to open back up! Some more time spent in A & E and it turns out there's a small infection preventing it from closing. I'm coming to the end of those antibiotics but now I've broken the joint on my baby finger! I've no idea how - I was sleeping - but it's the one I broke when I was 17 so it was probably already weak in some way.
And that concludes my dramatic 4 weeks! My incisions are finally closing, my throat is better and my finger will mend in time. I can now get back to working, blogging and raising more awareness for Endometriosis! And speaking of endo, we held an event on Monday to raise money and awareness. I guess I'll have to do a few catch up blogs to bring you up to speed since this one is long enough already!
Now it's time to head to bed (at 8pm!) for some much needed sleep. Anyone else missing a gallbladder, or had an interesting few weeks? Let me know in the comments!
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