Sharing My Endometriosis Story In The Missing Piece In Bouncing Back

Morning everyone! I know it's been a while since I posted - I've been for all kinds of hospital tests, results etc lately, but that's for another blog!

Today I want to make the very exciting announcement that I'm an International Best Seller! I can tell you it's brilliant news to wake up to. :) So let's back up a little so I can explain...

A few months ago my mum (who is already a published author) started working on a project called The Missing Piece in Bouncing Back. The idea was to bring together 20-30 authors, all with a story of overcoming life's challenges and 'bouncing back' to happiness - whatever that meant to them! Over the months we met some amazing people with incredible stories and slowly the book came together.

Once we were nearing the deadline and we had over 20 people on board, mum then approached my sister and I and asked if we too would share our stories. I was a bit emosh at the time - thinking that of all the inspiring stories I'd read so far I'd been considered to have come through similar! At first I was hesitant - did I want people to know my story? Did I want to share some deeply personal experiences for all the world to read?

In the end of course I agreed, but there was a lot of thought behind that and I wanted to share those reasons with you today.

Firstly and possibly most importantly, I did it to raise awareness. This blog, our fundraising efforts, the talks I've given; they've all been to raise awareness on varying scales and sizes of platform. The feedback I get from these actions is almost always positive and nothing makes me feel prouder than hearing something I did or said made a difference. I've had people say my information changed the way they managed their condition, others have said it helped them understand what the doctor failed to explain, and possibly my favourite is when a family member gains understanding about endometriosis and a new-found respect for what their relative is going through. Could I really turn down the opportunity to share information with a much wider audience? The answer in the end was no.

My second reason was more about myself and my family, but it really was the lower priority of the two. If you've read many of my previous posts you'll know that my energy and ability to work ebbs and flows sometimes with quite dramatic flair. For quite some time I've been thinking of ways that I can make more passive income and ensure that money is still coming in when I'm not able to work. This book will be my first step in truly passive income and I'm pretty proud of that. The profits will be shared between 24 authors so I'm not expecting mega-bucks here! But once a quarter I will get a little trickle of the profits knowing the work is all done and dusted already (besides maybe the odd promotional post or two of course!). And I've got to say, that feels pretty good. :)

The book was officially launched yesterday and we've all been doing our best to promote it and reach that coveted Best Seller status. There's been a lot of refreshing stats, sharing links and excitedly awaiting results. As of this moment we're currently #98 in our category which means we've made it to Best Seller in one of our categories and there are still 6 hours to go to improve that. But wherever we end up in the ranks, this has all been worth it already.

This book is for you if you've ever been frustrated at the medical system and how they just didn't understand your symptoms. It's for you if you spent far too long in waiting rooms, A&E, surgery, recovering from all of the indignities that come with endometriosis. It's for you if you get blank looks when you tell people you have a chronic pain condition. It's for you if you've struggled to recover after surgery and not known why. It's for you if you're battling the journey of infertility and can't see a way forward. It's for the crying woman on the bus because she's just spotted a happy family together. It's for the young girl being told she'll be in pain the rest of her life and the mature women who were given bad advice and no options before enough was known about the condition.

If you relate to my story in any way at all, this was for you.

If you want to read my story or any of the 23 other incredible stories you can buy a copy of the book by clicking this link (it'll take you to Amazon).
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